Insurance Consumer Study

Technology advancement, digital research and consumer preferences have disrupted the marketplace for many insurers. However, technology has limitations and many consumers continue to value the relationship that only professional insurance agent can deliver.

Harvard research students explore the market trends, consumer expectations and industry failures that are driving many insurers to rethink their distribution strategy.

Harvard Research

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Stress of the Business Owner

Let’s face it, although there are many rewards for the small business owner in our country today, there is often great sacrifice made on the road to success. This sacrifice can come at a cost far greater than the eye can see. And unless you have experienced it for yourself, you may never know what a successful business owner has gone through to reach the top.

The topic of stress of the business owner is the focus of our research and we sincerely appreciate your open and honest feedback.


Ivy Consulting Group

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A Portrait of the Generations

Pew Research Center (PRC) is a nonpartisan “fact tank” that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It does so by conducting public opinion polling and social science research, by analyzing news coverage, and by holding forums and briefings. It does not take positions on policy issues.

It provides its research and data —free of charge—as a public service to policymakers, researchers, journalists and the general public.

This supplemental survey is intended to compare participant answers collected by PRC in 2010 with more current data.



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Happiness Index


Are you truly happy? At, we try to collect and interpret data on happiness not only to measure trends in subjective well-being, but to provide useful tools to improve life skills and offer suggestions to influence perception in a positive way.

We want to thank you in advance for completing this survey and encourage you to "opt-in" to receive a detailed report of our findings.

Giselle Ontra Therapy

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Business owner preparedness

***take part in the study***

What does it take to become a successful business owner? While there is a great deal of research and psychometric tests to analyze employee roles, very little research has been focused on business ownership.

If you are a business owner, we encourage you to take part in this exciting study!


Ivy Consulting Group


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The Wonderlic IQ Scale


Have you ever wondered how your intelligence compares to the general population? Take a FREE Wonderlic Practice Test to find out.

Learn About the Wonderlic Test

Hearing the words “We just need you to take a Wonderlic test” from a potential employer is enough to stop anyone’s heart for a second. Be prepared! We have mountains of information about Wonderlic testing as well as tips on how to pass it the first time!

Take the Test

Consumer research, like success in business, is about using technology in a way to better understand people. What they think, where they research, why they choose, and how they spend. And, whether they realize it or not, behind every decision is an emotional reason that influences behavior every step of the way.

Our research team is committed to offering a wide range of professional services to organizations in both the private and public sectors. We have assisted clients in such areas as personnel selection and evaluation, recruitment and retention, employee stress management and motivation, productivity through incentive programs and gamification techniques, and more.

It's not just knowing the numbers, it's about interpreting the data in a way to  understand psychological influences that will impact consumer behavior today...and in the future.

For more information, contact us at: